Welcome to the messageboard for
www.FLNYRyderz.com , here are the rules:
1. Signatures are allowed, but must be hosted on your own and should be no taller than 150 pixels including all text and no wider than 600 pixels. Signatures that are larger will be deleted without warning. Also animated sigs may be removed if they are deemed "annoying" or move too fast. In addition sigs should be "safe for work".
2. No nude or semi-nude pictures allowed on the main forums. Any threads with revealing (but not nude) pictures must come with a work warning. Any NSFW ( not safe for work ) must be posted in the NSFW section (soon to come)
3. Petty arguing and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Attacks on the Admin's and Moderators will be dealt with harshly.
4. Users are expected to post their topics in an appropriate forum, inappropriate posts will be moved.
5. Offensive posts will be deleted.
6. Keep personal communications in Private Messages, do not use the forum for one on one conversations. Offensives or threatening Private Messags will get u teh banz.
7. Be respectful of others. Understand that there may be some users on this board who use English as a second language, and may not have mastered it yet. Be patient with these users, just as you would like if you were learning a second language.
8. If for some reason a thread gets out of hand and gets locked, do NOT start a new thread based on the same topic.. it will be deleted.
9. Spamming the boards for any reason will result in you being banned or at the least a long temporary suspension from the forum. Repeated offenses will get you banned.
10. If you have an issue or question with a mod or admin, ask in private rather than trying to make a public show of it. Do NOT create topics/posts asking why another topic/post was deleted or moved. And do NOT create topics regarding a ban of another user. Do not repost something that has been deleted.
11. Do not bring back or "bump" old topics.
12. Do not pass on messages from banned members, if you do so you may be considered an extension of that person and you may be banned immediately.
Note: These rules are guidelines. If you break them you may be warned or banned without warning at our sole discretion. You may also be banned at any time for any reason whatsoever.